A horizontal logo featuring the text 'Sports Consciousness' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures."' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures.
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Soccer Team Prospect


Jerónimo Bernal

Eduardo is from Antioquia in the Medellin province of Colombia

About Jerónimo:

Tell us about yourself:

I started playing soccer when I was 4 years old, and then fell in love. Thanks to my parents I had the opportunity to continue with this passion playing in various clubs. I started playing soccer at the school team, and decided to experience a higher level of soccer, so I went  to Aristigol when I was 6. There I won a lot of trophies but the most important was the cup of El Gato, an important national cup at that moment and as the captain, I received the champions trophy. Then, searching for new adventures and challenges I went to Modo Fútbol Escuela but soon I was called by another team, my current team, ABC fútbol base. In those 3 clubs I had the opportunity to compete for more than 15 trophies and received 13. Last year I had some important offers from professional clubs for playing in their minor divisions but I decided to stay at ABC and go to USA. I want to play professional soccer and I know I can do it with my discipline and effort, I train every day to be a better person and the best soccer player.

Sports achievements:
  • MVP at the Unio sport cup 2022
  • MVP at the Copa UPB 2023
  • Top goal scorer at Copa UPB 2023
  • MVP at Copa Alcazares Internacional
  • Second place at Copa UPB 2023
  • Second place at Unio sport cup 2022
  • MVP at Copa IB 2023
  • La Estrella Cup champions 2021
  • Top goal scorer at Copa Alcazares Internacional
Why I want to come to MIU

I consider that MIU is a university which meets all the requirements and wishes that I could ask for. From the beginning, when I first saw this offer, I was excited and began to investigate more about this incredible university, based on what I had seen online and along with the meeting I had with Coach Luke, I fell in love with this university. More than anything, I like the ideals that this university transmits, plus it is different from the others by putting the mentality above everything, and it is a perspective that seems great to me. I believe that MIU can help me develop incredible talents and characteristics. I also really like IOWA, so I think that this is actually one of the best opportunities I can have, it is a university which I have a lot in common and I feel that I can learn a lot there, in addition to that I feel that they give me the priority at all times by respecting my spaces, as I heard in the meeting with Coach Luke.  I would really like to study here because of everything I can learn and it would be an opportunity that I couldn’t waste.


Player # 72

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