A horizontal logo featuring the text 'Sports Consciousness' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures."' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures.
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Student Application

Please fill out this form so that we can start representing you to supporters of MIU Athletic Programs


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By submitting this form you indicate your agreement to have all content submitted other than your contact information (email address, phone) listed on sub pages of this page https://miu.sportconscious.org/prospective-students/ and in any related marketing materials in order to assist in encouraging third parties to support your interest in attending MIU.

You can ask for your listing to be deleted at any time, and we will never release any of the provided information to anyone other than the MIU admissions office, who may on occasion contact you by email or phone to answer any questions or provide information about the MIU educational experience.



Wholistic development of inner and outer capabilities


Faster reaction times


Advanced sports methodologies


Success without stress