A horizontal logo featuring the text 'Sports Consciousness' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures."' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures.
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Tennis Team Prospect


Hilary Kiprotich

Hillary is from Kenya. (see Coach’s comment – below)

About Hillary:

Tell us about yourself:

I am an international student athlete and I am ready to join the MIU tennis team

Sports achievements:

As  a runner my times are

  • 3000 meters 00:8:50
  • 10k sub 28.50
Why I want to come to MIU

The school is very charming to me. It looks peaceful and I am happy to see that there is no drug use or alcohol use on campus.


Coach’s Comment:

Hillary is a perfect gentleman and has a sincere interest in MIU. He is a great athlete and would be a developmental player on our tennis team. For a donor who wants to bless a deserving young man from Africa, your support would transform this young man’s life.

Paul Stokstad, MIU Tennis

UTR Rating

Total Cost

His Budget

Support Needed