A horizontal logo featuring the text 'Sports Consciousness' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures."' in bold lettering with a dynamic design, symbolizing the mission of empowering athletes and transforming futures.
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Support the Initiative

How to get started

Become a game-changer by joining with others on any level of contribution to sponsor MIU student-athletes through MIU.SportConscious.net. Your support not only strengthens MIU sports teams but also revolutionizes collegiate athletics. Our Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) model is unique in that we do not merely supplement student income, we support athletes who can pay something but not all with supplemental tuition grants.

Our typical student prospect can pay 75% of the MIU tuition cost, which is 20k for international students and 22k domestically. That means that your investment of any size has in effect a three to one match.

DISCLOSURE: 10% of your investment in the future of MIU athlete and the ongoing success of MIU will be retained by SportConscious to underwrite our initiatives. That figure, in most cases, will only be 2.5% of the actual effect.

NOTE: 100% of the profits from any sales made on either of the following pages goes to support the SportConscious MIU Tuition Fund:

Make any choice below:

NOTE: the MIU.sportconscious.org site is our first member institution site, a prototype and demonstration of our service offering for subsequent client engagements.

Go Big, but not alone